Underground Skyline

Марина Чиянова 8 ноября, 2021 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 245

I haven’t seen you for ages,
Haven’t talked to you yet,
However I would like to see the world
With your eyes,
To emphasise and revive your experience.

You were so brilliant at criticising
My French accent,
My dialectic thinking,
I didn’t realize how far apart destiny would throw us.

In 2008 I would see you as merely my friend,

In 2014 I was wondering where you were –

Among delicious theories
Or on fire.

In 2016 I could not help but ask where you were,
If you were travelling incognito or transparently,

I used words like a bridge.

Seeing the best of you,
Predominantly the light of your soul,
Your boundless thinking,
Innate fragility of your refined argumentation,

It was in between two disasters that we ‘met’.

Let me in,
Do let me in

Your distant country,
Not for one day,

But in order for me to follow more meaningful rules
And feel freedom within,

Let me in
A beautiful treasury
Of books and paintings,

Formulas and theories,
So immaterial yet strong,
So dynamic yet stable,

Breathing the same air,
Doing the same thing,

Finally forgiving those
Who tore us apart,

Letting ideas fly,
Crossing the stratosphere
More than once,
Feeling unity with the world,

Sometimes I feel like you would –
Lost, a bit awkward and charming,
Delivering a lecture

To people who would worship us
As priests of knowledge

In the dawn of the new world.

*To one intellectual of Ukrainian descent, his beautiful, harmonious mind and soul, with deep reverence, hope and gratitude.


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не в сети 2 года
Марина Чиянова211
Комментарии: 28Публикации: 213Регистрация: 17-10-2021
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