Gates of Rome telepoem

Марина Чиянова 8 ноября, 2021 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 270

A feeling, so light and clear, fulfillinG
The traveler’s soul empowered by its staminA,
The newest approaches to embedding clarity of thoughT
Into a strong storyline, wider than the lifetimE…
Is some rare cases we can even calculate the price of succesS,

The difference between the tuxedo and the albedO,
But time is like an armada of dark ships in one small gulF…

How can peace be received or created merely be means of a prayeR?
Long, long nights of disputes in science and religion, a torsO
Of a philosopher in a deep dark room, a sharp momentuM
Of self-revelation and self-mystification…What a statuE!

© Maryna Tchianova

*This is a telepoem devoted to The Eternal City.

What the author emphasizes here is its cultural vastness and profundity of material and immaterial values of its public image and the way it is described by most visitors as ‘splendid’ and ‘breathtakingly beautiful’.

*What a statue! – an exclamation of an impressed Japanese tourist who finally happens to have taken a shot in a museum.


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не в сети 2 года
Марина Чиянова211
Комментарии: 28Публикации: 213Регистрация: 17-10-2021
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