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Zarnigor Teshayeva
не в сети 2 года
Zarnigor Teshayeva
30 лет
День рождения: 11 Января 1994
Информация об авторе: Teshayeva Zarnigor Yorikulzoda was born on January 11, 1994 in Shofirkon district of Bukhara region. In 2000, she went to the 1st grade at school 54 in Shafirkon district. Since 2001, she continues to school No.7 in Uchkuduq District, Navoi Region. In 2009, she graduated from school No.10 of the 9 years of study with honors and this year she entered the medical college in Zarafshan city of Navoi region. SHe graduated from college in 2012. Since 2013, she has been working in the 2nd TSQ emergency medical department under the Northern Mining Department in Uchkuduq. In the course of her career, in 2018, she advanced qualifications at the center for the training of secondary medical personnel, and in 2020 she became a paramedic of the 2nd level. Due to his interest in the profession of medicine, she submitted her admission documents to the Medical Faculty of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute in 2022 and was recommended for studentship this year on the basis of an additional grand. She was awarded with a governor's letter of thanks from the first months of the 1st year due to her active interest in studying among students. Her articles were published in international magazines. The thesis "Iodine deficiency in women of childbearing age" was published in one of the international Belgian magazines (ERB) at the International Turkish Conference (Development pedagogical technologies in modern sciences). Currently, she is a 1st-year student at the NDPI Faculty of Medicine, the cap
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