Halimova Durdona Nurmuhammad qizi

Halimova Durdona 18 марта, 2023 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 327

Halimova Durdona was born on 8th March, 2004 in Surkhandarya, Sariasiya, Yurt Shamoli street. SHe began her studying at 37th school in Shargun. In studying school, Durdona participated in different forums and competetions and took a lot of certificates. The first competetion was Kamalak bilimdonlari” that time Durdona was 11 years old. Durdona was a particiapant in this competetion. She participated “Yil sardori” competetion when she was in school. Khalimova was a participant of the conference organized in honor of the 20th anniversary of Rainbow Children’s Organization.

After Finishing school, She entered Uzbekistan State World Languages University as a grant student. She is a U- report and Oltin qanot volunteer.Durdona is a constant on Season 3 of the Leadership Secrets Project organized by Dilshoda Alisherova. She is a member of “Birgalikda yuksalamiz” and “Afsonaviy Yoshlar forumi”

She was leader of school and nowadays she is participenting in different competetions. She has been selected as a delegate of Sunshinemun the Ground Virtual conference. She is member of National human rights and humanitarian federation also honorary membership of Iqra foundation. She got certificate from Kazakistan.

Old| Durdona Khalimova is her own channel

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Halimova Durdona


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не в сети 2 года
Halimova Durdona0
Комментарии: 0Публикации: 1Регистрация: 15-03-2023
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