Ukrainian-Indian trade and cultural summits

Марина Чиянова 8 ноября, 2021 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 410
My dear reader!

I hope you understand how important free trade is for the future of the mankind.
It is vital for the economy, societal stability, ecological safety and cultural diversity.
In this essay I am going to share my experience of being a sales manager in Ukraine and being exposed to a wide range of medium and top quality Indian goods.

Ukraine started trading with India before Soviet Union collapsed.

Some  Ukraine-based Communist party leaders back in the 60s and 70s understood clearly how important it is for countries to have sustainable economic and political links with each other. Therefore, delegations from India would visit Moscow, Kyiv and some other major Soviet cities, either overtly or secretly.

Those events had several stages –

1. Preparations for official meetings and panel discussions.

They would usually start 6-8 months before the annnual/biannual arrangement.

2. Sending letters and invitations.

At least 3-4 months before the arranged meeting.

3. Guest list elaboration

Nearly the same : 2-4 months before the event.

4. Programme creation

At least 2 months ahead.

5. Hotel booking and scientific/cultural centre preparations –

1 month ahead or even earlier. Translators are hired 1 to 3 months ahead, especially if the topic is complicated or out of their field of knowledge.

6. Press invitations

Are usually generated at least 2-3 months ahead, otherwise the official part would come across as hectic, which in some cases is not entirely true, since back in those days one had to be checked by all sorts of authorities before having started journalism practice.

7. The event itself

A summit can take up to 7 days, in the 21st century it would involve both online and offline activities, however codes even to ‘open’ events should be strong so that they cannot be compromised.

8.Post-event actions

These might include thank you notes, media kit solutions, souvenirs and awards for participants, guests and organizers, translators, reporters, volunteers and facilitators, reflections on how to perfect communication, all initiatives involving high quality feedback on various sides of these multilateral white-tie meetings.

INTUC Indian National Trade Union Congress is an organization that controls, enables and develops India’s trade and economic agreements with the global community. It is a powerful union of people who are linked with each other by similar ideas, activities, life philosophy and decision-making styles.

INTUC has typical solutions for most trade situations for India and overseas, this organization is influential and has clear algorithms of interaction with key scientific, cultural, economic and political actants, companies and private persons all over the world and now, in the 21st century, even in the outer space.

I am based in Ukraine while I am writing this essay, and I am aware of the current turbulent situation in the world’s economy.

Ukraine still sees India as an exotic, emotional yet wise partner.

We take action to improve our mutual understanding and to make trade agreements not only large-scale but also flexible and ethical. Numerous customers in Ukraine opt for products that are manufactured in India – from generic pharmaceuticals to films and songs.

If I were to choose, I would like the Ukrainian side to be patient, farsighted and wise in all aspects of Ukraine-India relations, including science, art and youth policy programmes. When we are insightful, when both sides cut off on impulsivity and when we plan ahead, not for 10 years, but at least for 50 years, using tech and math skills as well as spirituality and graceful gestures, we make our relations flourish and shine even at times of crises and complicated decisions.

Our  international links have long been productive and deep, so on behalf of several Ukrainian youth organizations, on a dynamic yet stable basis of Ukrainian higher education institutions I wish India prosperity, progress, peace and safety – this year and prospectively.

With deep reverence to India’s leaders, its significant role in global progress,

Maryna Tchianova,

Writer, mid-level researcher in the field of Arts and Social Science, participant of global youth education programmes, a humble spiritual student, an avid reader of philosophy books.


This is a new type of a letter – a hybrid letter which combines elements of an essay, a brief introduction in the field (international communications) and a sincere address to organizations that form multilateral global policy concerning science and fair trade.


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не в сети 3 года
Марина Чиянова211
Комментарии: 28Публикации: 213Регистрация: 17-10-2021
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