The inspiration of electronic music

Марина Чиянова 8 ноября, 2021 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 435

I can’t help but say I feel hooked to the music of Armin van Buuren!

Some hardcore electro fans might say it’s too simple, however I strong disagree on that point.

He has the ability to raise the vibration of simple lyrics by creating an electronic polyphony, and of course he does his best for each show to sound unique.

Armin has been around for more than 20 years, and he always finds the key to hearts of his fans.

This key is a special alpha-state in which he puts his listeners from all over the world and from all walks of life.

His music may be romantic, energetic, uplifting, exciting, mysterious – and it grows on you when you listen to it.

It is hard for a DJ to stay on top for years, but Armin’s fanbase is an abnormally happy community – with a drive, passion for nature, sunlight, creativity.

Each issue of ASOT (A state of trance) leads to more inspiration and unity, it’s like an alphabet with both distinct and cryptic meanings.

Armin van Buuren is one of the examples of talent meeting hard work, and he’s also quite a friendly personality – the way he connects with the media and fans is polite and cheerful.

I listen to electronic music, especially trance, from time to time, and I like the diversity of it.

Once you have heard Armin, you may look for the other DJs with their signature approach to performance and music writing and producing.

The 21st century unites people by the screen in elation of musical experience, and I feel honoured to bump into creative and friendly music fans.

Tune in and drift on the wave of fresh ’21 mixes!


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не в сети 3 года
Марина Чиянова211
Комментарии: 28Публикации: 213Регистрация: 17-10-2021
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