Freedom of dance

Марина Чиянова 7 декабря, 2021 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 312

Freedom of dance

I still remember the days when I was dancing at the university.
That was the end of 2009/2010 ac. years.
This year, in late June, Odesa National University hosted a new dance contest. It was a moment of delight.
More often than 12 dance groups from all over Odesa region would show their choreographic mastery.
They were performing with a vast range of moods and emotions – from sensual bachatta to energetic electro and hip-hop. Their confidence, grace, elegance and vivacious humour were entirely thrilling.
I would like to emphasise that most youth dance groups had inspiring and experienced trainers. They we close to inventiveness, sometimes mysteriously blending styles of dance.
Children and youths from Odesa region chose rhythmic and popular melodies to dance to, however many of them would select Ukrainian songs.
Each dance group received a certificate, and several top performers received medals.
This ceremony was  one of the brightest talent shows in the South of Ukraine this year. It will stay a colourful memory in the mind of its respective viewers.
Long live dance in Odesa!

© Maryna Tchianova



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не в сети 2 года
Марина Чиянова211
Комментарии: 28Публикации: 213Регистрация: 17-10-2021
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