Eco-ideas in Ukraine

Марина Чиянова 8 ноября, 2021 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 477

Really roughly, out of sound local population in Ukraine only between 10 to 15% think of ecology issues and take action.

So much has to be done here – from getting people to sort out their trash in different bins to climate change awareness.

Miss Thunberg is right to some extent.

We, human beings, are glory and punishment for the Earth.

I’ve been vegetarian for about 4 years. Those were years of high productivity, a keen sharp mind, inner peace. Something close to sanctity appears when you get rid of meat.

That nutrition type was nice for Odesa, where the climate is rather mild.

However, as we know, times change. I suppose I had a dose of radiation during my work trip around Kyiv region. My lungs appear pathology-free on a health card, however the other symptoms feel quite alarming. I am not about to disclose it here, my dear readers.

What would I like to say?

Each of us can become eco-conscious.

If we coexist with animals, if we care about our Mother-earth, sometimes even a small step, like using a natural toothbrush or letting a songbird out of a cage on a Christian observation day, can help.

You may even choose a search engine that is said to be using a new low-carbohydrate algorhythm.

So much needs to be done if we understand we are not alone.
What if we give it a go?


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не в сети 3 года
Марина Чиянова211
Комментарии: 28Публикации: 213Регистрация: 17-10-2021
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