Dance history – the golden heights of Cambodia

Марина Чиянова 8 ноября, 2021 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 406

One of the most powerful choreographic performances to see is the glorious Cambodian Angkor dance theatre. It  has been a legend for centuries, with its ceremonial complexity, the penchant of dancers for detail, the universal religious and philosophic truths conveyed by means of movement.

Plastically, Cambodian temple dance looks more ‘structured’ and less spontaneous than most versions of Indian religious choreography.
In fact, this dance looks like writing – a letter is comprised of multiple thousand elements and tells long and inspiring epic and romantic legends.

Most movements in Cambodian ceremonial dance are linked with the names of animals and plants, names of local mountains and rivers.

Event though the moves are clean-cut, the choreographic compositions and plotlines are immmersive, mesmerizing and speak for themselves. The dramatic scheme of this ‘family’ of dance genres has an intermittent, pulsating, flexible air to it and even a short performance contains several mini-culminations, needless to say about the artistic detail in the artists’ ceremonial clothes.

A feast for the eyes, a powerful instrument of beauty, wisdom and enlightenment – Cambodian dance is second to none, and watching it online or in real time is a must.


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не в сети 3 года
Марина Чиянова211
Комментарии: 28Публикации: 213Регистрация: 17-10-2021
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