A summer jungle is exotic, indeed. The shimmeR
Of long-awaited waves and strong winds, the rondeaU
Of deep damp silence – all they do is feeD
Us on our long journeys, maintain our knowledge and faith, slightlY
Pushing forward, far from luxurious, calculated life on a villA.
The animals talk here just because people are becoming a rarity, a furtheR
Topic for speculation. Whether we are civilized or not, the more heeD
We apply to learning about the nature, the better. Week after weeK
We turn to our inner vision in search for answers, clear decisions. The alumnI
Of its wide halls, living under the dome of the sky. How deeP
Is your attachment to the inhumane, the wild within? To telL
From one particular behavioural pattern is not enough, the aiolI
Of the taste of life, le savoir-vivre are still in veiN,
Making life a set of thrilling tasks, a landscape new and breathtakinG.
© Maryna Tchianova, 2021
*Based on fiction by Rudyard Kipling and his major works, as well as books for children, including the famous ‘Jungle Book’.