Realistic women

Марина Чиянова 18 января, 2022 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 474

With that electrifying look of yours,
A great posture and a keen mind,
You’re destined to be surrounded by all sorts of alluring and bright women.

You might think most of them fall for your public role, your popularity, your social capital and a bunch of heroic identities you’ve built around your true self.

In most cases this will be true but for 1%
Who will idealize the way you think, not the way you look,
Primarily because their vision of success might be similar to yours.

It takes hours of sleepless nights,
Fear, anger, excitement, illusions,
Reliable and falsified knowledge…

And realistic women are not here to follow you frantically
But to learn from your vast and supernaturally complex experience.

They will be watching your nightmares for you,
Take pains to become leaders in their fields,
Learn not to complain but to comply
And keep staying confident when their lives are falling apart
Since if you were able to stand up for yourself,
They also would…

Don’t fear someone who seems to be obsessed with your charm and wisdom –
They’re not copycats but people who are growing up,
Facing their complications
Sometimes even by trying to analyze, model and predict how your
Billion dollar mind produces gems of words and deeds…

They’re not precisely mad about you –
They’re learning to be themselves
Trying to download fragments of your experience
And gift
Into their minds.


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не в сети 3 года
Марина Чиянова211
Комментарии: 28Публикации: 213Регистрация: 17-10-2021
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