J.L.Borges telepoem En

Марина Чиянова 8 ноября, 2021 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 373

I will continue living in the noosphere – even when its raJ,
The material Universe, is dissolved into atoms and subatomic particles. WhO
Will say this is too ambitious a goal for a monade? As a driveR
For my previous incarnation I chose knowledge. Pulling a leG
Of various complicated hierarchic systems, I used cutting-edgE

Writing techniques to unveiL
The cryptic side of living, avoiding the ‘jamais vU’,
Emotional outbursts and crises, putting ideas into bombshells, a BikinI
Experiment with explosive substances and theorieS

Was carried out merely for me to overcome the toxic herB
Of memory loss, eventually sliding into the role of an aficionadO
Of rarities and sensory comfort. On a spiritual radaR,
However, there were my pen-opponents trying to ‘debuG’
My method. I did not oppose directly that critical delugE,
But I took every chance to reshape and renew my stories and poetic cycleS.

© Maryna Tchianova

* This telepoem is devoted to a Nobel Literature Prize nominee (XX century) and a symbolic winner (2018), and a Miguel de Cervantes Prize winner (1979), J.L.Borges, whose impact on the global literary process was tremendous, profound and timeless.

In this poem his identity of a timeless storyteller and a wiseman persona are revealed, as he was known as one of the most passionate book-collectors, the most ‘academic’ and ‘mysterious’ writers in the world, and in his approach to creative writing the role of synthetic thinking was said to be significant enough – at least this is what numerous works of Western European and American literary critics keep making emphasis on.


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не в сети 3 года
Марина Чиянова211
Комментарии: 28Публикации: 213Регистрация: 17-10-2021
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