How to succeed in creative writing. Part 1.

Марина Чиянова 28 ноября, 2021 1 комментарий Просмотры: 558

The main thing you’ll realize while starting to write essays is the number of your competitors.

Even if you are 8 or 10 years old, there will be an innumerable hoard of pieces of writing  by authors that you’d wish to follow. It’s nice and pleasant to be an avid reader, however turning from a reader to a writer is a much more complicated process.


Your life, as some 21st century critics, scholars and philosophers say (and they do back it up with facts) is of little significance. Your feelings, they keep reiterating, are of zero value.

How should you react to these statements?

First of all, do your best to empathise with the most pointless, the most toxic, the most unpleasant sort of critics.

Try to imagine the world they live in, do your best to ask them questions and talk to them in your mind.

Why does this make sense?

You’ll become more detached from your ‘Ego’ and you’ll see the areas of your expert knowledge, as well as your failure points.

A good writer is in touch with his demons and angels, instincts and values.

A good writer knows how to create or deconstruct a plot and how to use tropes (artistic methods and stylistic tools),

Above everything, a talented and hard-working writer is quite insightful and knows how to deal with emotions.

Writing is not 100% about sublimation.

You can  and should be sincere at times.


Writing is not only about universal truths, however in some cases you may become a well-known author if you start moralizing.

Writing is also sometimes about details which make your plot and your ideas look, sound and feel more credible.

What I should warn you about is that sometimes it’ll be hard for you to keep to deadlines not because you’re being lazy but because you start delving into more and more ‘background knowledge’ topics.

This background knowledge is not only important for your creative writing dreams, wishes and ambitions, it may also come in handy in survival situations.

#creative writing #knowledge #young writers #study #essay contests




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не в сети 3 года
Марина Чиянова211
Комментарии: 28Публикации: 213Регистрация: 17-10-2021
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  1. Скажите, Марина, это Вы сами написали текст на английском языке или где-то позаимствовали? И в том и в другом случае зачем Вы опубликовали этот текст? Вы думаете, здесь поголовно все авторы говорят и пишут по-английски?

    Спасибо заранее за ответ, который мне понравится.


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