Effectiveness of organization and development of foreign language learning based on digital technolo

Madina Fayzullaeva 1 апреля, 2023 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 282

In today’s rapidly developing age, science and technology are growing rapidly. Progress is being made in every field. In particular, great changes and significant progress are being made in science. Delivering each subject to students using new innovative pedagogical technologies is one of the main requirements of today’s education.
Digital technologies in education is the effective use of modern information technologies in the educational process. It also provides for increasing the quality and efficiency of education by introducing modern innovative technologies into the educational process. In particular, there are several advantages of using such information and communication technologies in learning a foreign language. The role of modern technology in language learning and teaching is incomparable. The use of technological tools is useful in every aspect of learning a foreign language (reading, reading, listening and speaking).
This monograph also describes the effectiveness of organizing and developing the educational process based on digital technologies

Дата написания: 2023
ISBN: 9786206148395
Ссылка на покупку и скачивание книги: https://www.amazon.com/Effectiveness-organization-development-language-technologies/dp/6206148394/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

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Madina Fayzullaeva40
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