The role of intellectual games in activating and accelerating the English learning process

Madina Fayzullaeva 1 апреля, 2023 Комментариев нет Просмотры: 287

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of used literature.

In the introductory part, it is said about the relevance of the topic, its goals and tasks, its scientific nature, and its practical importance.

The first chapter of the work is about the theoretical basis of the use of technical tools in teaching a foreign language, it talks about the importance of the modern teaching system in teaching a foreign language and multimedia technologies and their use in the educational system. At the same time, scientific data on the importance and role of the use of technical tools during the lesson will be analyzed and the requirements and recommendations for the use of technical tools at different educational stages will be introduced.
In the second chapter of the work, practical ideas aimed at studying the linguistic, psychological and didactic foundations of the use of technical tools at different educational stages are covered. Also, theoretical, practical ideas and recommendations were given on the methodical organization of the use of various intellectual games and technical tools at different educational stages, that is, at the stages intended for lower and upper classes.

In the concluding part of the work, based on both chapters, general conclusions are highlighted.

Дата написания: 2022
ISBN: 9798362422660
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не в сети 11 месяцев
Madina Fayzullaeva40
Комментарии: 0Публикации: 3Регистрация: 01-04-2023
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